Transformative Consciousness for Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Skills Development.
by Jennifer Luna Tuazon
An Unpublished Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Psychology and Guidance) Dissertation
West Visayas State University, La Paz, Iloilo City, Philippines; March, 2014.
This study specifically aimed to find out the consciousness quotient and intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills of participants prior to and after exposure to transformative consciousness exercises (for the experimental group) and the self-awareness sessions (for the comparison group).
This randomized pretest and posttest control group design utilized the Consciousness Quotient Inventory (CQi ver.2013) and the validated researcher-made Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Relationship Skills Scale (IIRSS).
The intervention was designed using the Transformative Consciousness Modules, developed by Stephen Wolinsky. The Transformative Consciousness sessions were conducted for 4,5 hours, once a week, for 8 weeks.
The participants were 23 students in the experimental group and 21 students in the comparison group, from West Visayas State University. The CQ-i and IIRSS were applied before and after the Transformative Consciousness sessions.
Main topics of the Program, based of Stephen Wolinsky’s book (Quantum Consciousness. The Guide to Experiencing Quantum Psychology, 1993)
• You Are Not Your Mind (The Power of Now, Tolle, 2005)
• Ego: The Current State of Humanity (A New Earth, Tolle, 2005)
• Observing our Thoughts (Quantum Consciousness, Wolinsky)
• Moving Deeply in the Now (The Power of the Now)
• Space and Transmutation or Transformation of E-motions (Wolinsky)
• Consciousness: The Way out of Pain (The Power of the Now)
• The Core of Ego (A New Earth)
• Role-Playing: The Many Faces of the Ego (A New Earth)
• The Pain-Body: The Many Faces of the Ego (A New Earth)
• Concept of Time: You are the observer/creator of the time aspect of consciousness
• Moving Deeply Into the Now (The Power of the Now)
• The Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now (The Power of the Now)
• The State of Presence (The Power of the Now)
• Breaking Free (A New Earth)
• The Inner Body (The Power of the Now)
• The Portals into the Unmanifested: The True Nature of Time and Space (The Power of the Now)
• You are beyond the aspects of energy, space, mass, and time. (Quantum Consciousness)
• Enlightened Relationships
• Going Beyond Ordinary Reality: The observer is the observed (Quantum Consciousness)
• Beyond Happiness (The Power of the Now)
• Finding Who You Truly Are (A New Earth)
• The Meaning of Surrender (The Power of the Now)
• Is Emptiness something to be Afraid of? Building block of the Universe. The nothing is alive! Nothing is in charge. (Quantum Consciousness)
• The Discovery of Inner Space (A New Earth)
Prior to and after the interventions, the intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills of the experimental group were high, while that of the comparison group were average. Results further revealed that there were no significant differences between the experimental and comparison groups’ conscious quotient and intrapersonal and interpersonal skills prior to the intervention. Similarly, no significant difference was noted between the two group’s consciousness quotients after the intervention, but a significant difference was found between their intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills.
On the other hand, significant differences were noted between the prior to and after interventions consciousness quotient and intrapersonal and interpersonal skills of the experimental group. Likewise, a significant difference was found between the prior to and after interventions consciousness quotient of the comparison group but no significant difference existed between the prior to and after interventions intrapersonal and interpersonal skills of the same group.
Thus, it could be construed that compared to the self-awareness sessions, the transformative consciousness exercises may have been instrumental in increasing the participants’ intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship skills, and not effective for producing an increase in the overall Consciousness Quotient.
Relevant conclusions for further researches
Based on these results, it looks like this type of intervention based on Wolinsky’s Transformative Consciousness Modules didn’t produce the necessary impact to increase the CQ of the participants. In order to produce significant changes in the Consciousness Quotient, it is recommended to use an intervention with more impact, more than once a week, and more than 8 weeks.