Consciousness Quotient as a Predictor of Decision Making
by Kavita Kumar, Kanti Singh Pawar; Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India
In the paper, the investigators have made an attempt to study consciousness as a predictor of decision making. 100 students from the undergraduate and postgraduate classes of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, were selected and administered the Consciousness Quotient Inventory (Brazdau, 2013) and General Decision Making Style Inventory (Scott & Bruce, 1995). The data were analyzed on the basis of multiple regression analysis.
The results showed that there is a positive relationship between consciousness quotient and decision making, but it is not significant (r = 0.14, p > 0.05). Moreover, consciousness also contributes positively in decision making (R2 = 0.14, p < 0.05).The implications of the study are to explore the CQ of students at an early stage of their educational journey and thereafter provide a conducive environment to enhance the consciousness and decision making for their progressive growth and development.
Mindfulness Practice as a predictor of the Social and Emotional Consciousness of Secondary level Students
by Astha Upadhyay, Namrata Singh, Archana Kapoor; Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India
In our modern, busy lives, we constantly multi-task. It’s easy to lose awareness of the present moment as we become engrossed in our efforts to juggle work, home, finances, and other conflicting demands. As humans, we are often “not present” in our own lives. Human minds are easily distracted, habitually examining past events and trying to anticipate the future. This makes us less conscious of our body, mind and soul. Mindfulness is a way of paying attention to, and seeing clearly, whatever is happening in our lives. It helps us recognize and step away from habitual, often unconscious emotional and physiological reactions to everyday events.
The present study has been taken up with the aim of finding out the effect of mindfulness-based intervention program on the social and emotional consciousness of students. Consciousness Quotient Inventory (CQ-i) was used to assess the social and emotional consciousness of class 9 students, while a self-constructed Mindfulness Inventory was employed for measuring their mindfulness levels. The intervention program consisted of yoga and meditation sessions along with certain relaxation exercises.
The students improved, both in their social as well as emotional consciousness levels, from pre-test to post-test scores, highlighting the importance of mindfulness in the present times. Regular practice of mindfulness in schools may thus prove helpful in making students more conscious, intellectually competent, socially responsible and emotionally stable.