In December 2022 – January 2023 we revised the CQ-i assessment, based on the two researches described below.

Clarifying the CQ-i items in Section 2

This update refers to the CQ-i items in Section 2, related to awakening journeys.

Awakening journeys are a continuum of openings and insights about the functioning of life and nature. Awakenings are subjective discoveries about the natural functioning of the various systems that are part of our make-up. People worldwide seem to have the same types of “openings/awakenings,” that are subjective and associated with individuals’ personal/cultural frames of reference. Awakenings can be learned, cultivated, and invited and are habituated through practice. (

When we completed the validation studies for the CQ-i and released CQ-i v.2020, we introduced an experimental section composed of 31 items (section 2), to test some specific situations related to awakening journeys.

In December 2022, we analyzed a sample composed of 408 assessments collected online between 2020-2022 (participants from 45 countries). Our objective was to analyze how the items in Section 2 behave, and whether we will continue developing this section.

After analyzing the distribution of answers, it seems that almost half of them are not discriminating enough, and the distribution of the answers is not normal; thus, they need refinements.

Still, adding more refinements in these situations would mean measuring some nuances specific to awakening journeys and post-conventional stages of maturity, which are very rare in the general population (perhaps less than one person in 100,000 will be able to understand the situations correctly).

Thus, we decided to remove section 2 from the inventory. We will continue to use only the 237 items for which we have already done the validation procedures and the statistical analysis.

Minor edits to the 237 items and the response scale

The 237 items were revised for a better clarity in the English language. We worked with Joya Stevenson, an English professional editor to complete this task. All the item’s meanings remained intact; we modified some words and phrasing to enhance their comprehension.

Also, the response scale was modified to reflect better its meaning in English. The frequency labels for 20-30%, 40-50%, and 50-60% were updated:

Almost always (definitely yes): 90-100% of the time / situations
Very frequently / Usually: 70-80% of the time / situations
Often / Regularly: 50-60% of the time / situations
Occasionally / Sometimes: 40-50% of the time / situations
Rarely / Seldom: 20-30% of the time / situations
Almost never (definitely no): 0-10% of the time / situations

The CQ-i v.2020 revised was uploaded online, and we have begun collecting data for future studies.

The sample size needed to perform a relevant Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), based on the complex co-variances, has to contain at least 28,200 valid questionnaires. As we continue to gather data through the online assessment platform, CFA will be conducted when the required level of sample size is reached.